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17 Sandra Drive
Blackmans Bay, TAS, 7052

FUSE Fitness & Massage offers Remedial Massage & Personal Training in Blackmans Bay, Hobart, TASMANIA.



Mission ~ To make a positive contribution to the development of health and fitness in the local community. To guide, inspire, and educate others to be the best they can be & promote sustainable lifestyle change.
— Sarah Kirby


With 10yrs Personal Training experience, 15yrs dedicated to studying Taekwondo, and 15yrs providing Remedial Massage, Sarah offers a wealth of knowledge in health, fitness, massage and injury management.

Sarah formed Fuse in 2005 and has the fortune of servicing an extensive and diverse range of clients (read reviews). In fitness, her strengths are martial arts, weight management, flexibility and postural correction. Her sporting interests include strength training, bush walking, running, and taekwondo.

In 2022 Sarah was invited to be local & regional ambassador for Massage & Myotherapy Australia. She enjoys creating connections in the massage world, facilitating a sense of belonging & community, and enabling support structures for massage therapists.

Sarah is mum to two beautiful boys (11yrs & 7yrs), and juggles gym, motherhood, and 50hrs massage per month.